DFINITY - CoinList

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Content on this page was provided by the DFINITY Foundation team
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DFINITY's mission is to build, promote, and maintain the Internet Computer — and by doing so, improve the world
Confirm your DFINITY Community Airdrop registration to view your Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) tokens formerly known as DFN.

The DFINITY Foundation

The DFINITY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization based in Zürich, Switzerland, that oversees research centers in Zürich, Palo Alto, and San Francisco. The research and development team includes over 100 of the industry's most distinguished experts in distributed computing, programming languages, cryptography, engineering, and operations.
Our mission is to build, promote, and maintain the Internet Computer — and by doing so, improve the world. Tech giants have captured infrastructure, market share, and data streams to such an extent that it’s become exceedingly difficult for developers and businesses to introduce competitive innovations. A public alternative is needed to restore the internet to its free and open roots.
The DFINITY Foundation is our generation's DARPA and CERN — a not-for- profit organization based in Switzerland stewarding the internet to ensure humanity’s greatest invention always remains open and free.

The Internet Computer

The Internet Computer extends the functionality of the internet from connecting billions of people to also providing millions of developers and entrepreneurs with a public compute platform — creating a revolutionary new way to build websites, enterprise systems and internet services within an open environment. This public software development platform is created by independent data centers around the world combining computing power using an advanced decentralized protocol called ICP.
The Internet Computer represents a generational shift in computing, and it extends the functionality of the public internet to host the world’s software. DFINITY was founded in 2016 by Dominic Williams.
Decentralized architectures are actually much harder to build than centralized ones, and because of that it's not surprising that centralized computing emerged first. But now, these decentralized applications are being heavily developed and they might be the next step in the evolution of computing.
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
If I had to compare it to mobile phones, you had the iPhone come out in 2007. The App Store in 2008. Then 2009 through 2012 was the period of Instagram, Uber, Lyft, and all the now huge iPhone apps. I think DFINITY will be the new iPhone.
Chris Dixon, Andreessen Horowitz

Internet Computer Public Release Schedule

The DFINITY Community Airdrop

The Internet Computer is currently on a public release schedule that started with the release of the DFINITY Canister SDK and Motoko programming language in Nov 2019, the Demonstration Network in Jan 2020, Tungsten (aka Developer Network) in Jun 2020, and now Sodium — the last milestone before the public launch of the computing platform.
The Sodium network launch event marks the last milestone before the Internet Computer’s Mercury release, which will herald the network’s public launch as well as the subsequent distribution of governance tokens. You can now confirm your DFINITY Community Airdrop registration status and view your ICP tokens (formerly known as DFN) — for additional assistance, we’ve provided answers to frequently asked community questions.


How DFINITY Is Reinventing the Internet
WIRED25: Stories of People Who Are Racing to Save Us
The Internet As We Know It Needs "A Complete Replacement
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Dfinity Demonstrates Its TikTok Clone, Opens Up Its ‘Internet Computer’ to Outside Developers
A Plan to Redesign the Internet Could Make Apps That No One Controls

Things to Come

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We aim to bring people and organizations together to learn and collaborate on products that help steward the next-generation of internet software and services. The Internet Computer allows developers to take on the monopolization of the internet, and return the internet back to its free and open roots. We can all help make it happen by being active supporters and early adopters of new technologies built on the Internet Computer.
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